1. Article about Leadership Styles and Innovation Innovation, as stated by Drucker (2006, p. 252), is “a change in market or society. It produces a greater yield for the user, greater wealth-producing capacity for society, higher value or greater satisfaction.” He argues that innovation is fully perceptual as much as conceptual, building the point that in any innovation process intuition is not enough, requiring detailed and rigorous logical analysis. Moreover, Drucker posits that entrepreneurs, as leaders of business organizations, should be avid of market-driven innovation. A great amount of research has been done about the relationship between leadership and innovation, such is the case of the paper The Influence of Leadership on Innovation Processes and Activities (Oke, Munshi, & Walumbwa, 2009) . This part of the report aims to explore the main ideas presented in that paper. Firstly, the authors consider that knowledge by...
Part One – Introduction The key research question how firms create and maintain competitive advantages, i.e., the firm’s source of future cash flows generation, is paramount to strategic management (Teece, 2014, p. 329) . Many schools of thought of strategy formation, such as the schools of Design, Planning, Positioning, Entrepreneurial, Cognitive, Learning, Power, Cultural, Environmental or Configuration have tried to answer the above question (Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, & Lampel, 1998, p. 27) . None succeeded so far. It does not mean it is unimportant. Yet, it is difficult to answer with substantial fundaments (p. 329) . For example, Boston Consulting Group is proactively working in this quest with its forward looking ”Fortune Future 50 Index”, based on revenue forecasting, which is the best factor to drive shareholder’s returns in the long-term (Reeves, Hansell, Whitaker, Parikh, & Lotan, 2018) , but so far, the q...